
Videos from the weekly Anam Cara Meditation programs led by Lawrence Edwards.  These programs included teachings, chanting, mantras and silent meditation.  Click HERE.

Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2022, Vol. 54, No. 1 : Analysis of Spiritual Awakening in a Kundalini Tradition: Psychological Change and Spiritual Growth by Lawrence Edwards, PhD, and Marjorie Woollacott, PhD.   Click: tprs-54-22-01-056 Edwards & Woollacott – Analysis of Spiritual Awakening …

Reproductions of Lawrence’s meditation art, including the Maha Kali Yantra, the Anam Cara Mandala and the Om Kali Ma – Heal All Wounds wall hanging, can be found at Studio 6.

Free podcasts of Lawrence Edwards speaking about Kundalini:

March 2024 – Guy Lawrence, an health and wellness retreat leading in Australia, interviews Lawrence again about spiritual development, Kundalini awakening, the hero’s journey and meditation.

December 2023 – Jeff Carriera discusses The Awakening of Kundalini with Lawrence:
“Dr. Lawrence Edwards has taught meditation for over 40 years and is the founder of the Anam Cara Meditation Foundation. I was very happy to have this conversation with him to discuss enlightenment and the path of kundalini awakening. He is a teacher that I have known about and admired for some years and his knowledge of multiple spiritual traditions as well as the clarity and simplicity of his articulation of them made this interview a true joy to conduct.Jeff Carriera

October 19, 2022 – Australian podcaster Guy Lawrence interviews Dr. Edwards in this one hour program related to Dr. Edwards’ book, Awakening Kundalini The Path To Radical Freedom.

May 2021 – Bob Nickman’s The Exploding Human podcast – Enjoy this fun and wide-ranging interview about Kundalini, Compassion and Consciousness.

April 2021 – Sam Tripoli interviews Dr. Lawrence Edwards about Kundalini, Consciousness, karma bhumi, seva – selfless service and more:

September 4, 2020Wisdom Talks podcast (2hrs) with hosts Marc Ketchel and Larry Holmes speaking with Lawrence about Kundalini, spiritual development and much more!  Click HERE

Tami Simon, the publisher of Sounds True, interviewed Lawrence about Kundalini awakening and the processes involved in Kundalini unfolding.  Sounds True has generously made these podcasts freely available.

Dr. Lawrence Edwards and Tami Simon discussing Kundalini (1hr): (click on the date)

December 9, 2009
Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Lawrence Edwards, president of The Kundalini Research Network, as well as the founder of a Kundalini support website, He is also a contributing author to an anthology published by Sounds True titled Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening. Lawrence has practiced and taught meditation for over 45 years, is a board-certified neurotherapist, a licensed psychotherapist, and has been on the faculty of New York Medical College since 1998. Lawrence discusses his own experiences with Kundalini

August 21, 2012
Tami Simon speaks with Dr. Lawrence Edwards, president of the Kundalini Research Network and founder of, a Kundalini support website. A meditation teacher, board-certified neurotherapist, and licensed psychotherapist, Lawrence has created with Sounds True an audio training program titled Awakening Kundalini: The Path to Radical Freedom. In this episode, Tami speaks with Lawrence about how to avoid common pitfalls in the Kundalini awakening process, what the role of our ego mind is in a Kundalini awakening, and the nature of a Kundalini energy transmission from a teacher. He also shares an empowered mantra to work with as part of the Kundalini awakening process. (70 minutes)

Additional podcasts (click on the date or audio bar):

March 23, 2017
Gary Goldberg, host of In The Spirit on WRPI 91.5FM, interviews Lawrence on Awakening Kundalini, Kali’s Bazaar and much more.

December 2016
Rick Archer from Buddha at the Gas Pump interviewed Lawrence for 2 hours on the extraordinary power of grace and revelation known in the yogic tradition as Kundalini.

October 7, 2016
New Zealand’s most popular yoga teacher, author and blogger, Kara-Leah Grant, offered a video interview of Lawrence speaking about a wide range of topics related to Kundalini awakening and unfolding.

November 2013
Author Caroline Sutherland interviews Lawrence on the transformative power of Kundalini.

November 2009
Gary Goldberg, host of In The Spirit on WRPI 91.5 fm, interviews Lawrence Edwards, PhD and Sat Bir Singh, PhD on their chapters in the book Kundalini Rising, edited by Tami Simon and published by Sounds True.

Videos of Lawrence teaching on the Anam Cara Meditation YouTube channel, click HERE.

Spiritual Emergence Networks:

United States:

Europe: Spiritual Emergence Network


United Kingdom:

Kundalini Resources

Kundalini Support

Dorothy Walters, PhD
Dorothy was a dear friend and a genuine mystic whose poetry and prose point beyond the ordinary mind to the very source of the mind, Kundalini Shakti.  Her works include Some Kiss We Want: New and Selected Poems, Unmasking The Rose: A Record of Kundalini Initiation, Marrow of Flame: Poems of the Spiritual Journey, Ley Lines of the Soul and A Cloth of Fine Gold.

Meditation and Yoga Resources

Anam Cara Meditation Foundation
A non-profit educational organization that is a resource for meditation instruction, free on-line MP3’s of guided meditation, free monthly e-newsletter to support your meditation practice and listings of meditation courses and retreats they offer. Located in Armonk, NY.  “Anam Cara” is an ancient Gaelic term meaning “friend of the soul.”  Founded and directed by Dr. Lawrence Edwards.

Chagdud Gonpa
International network of Chagdud Gonpa centers established by the late, revered meditation master, H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.

Sri Nisargadatta, Advaita Vedanta
His works continue to carry the power of non-dual awareness that
he conveyed throughout his life.

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Thich Nhat Hanh
Teachings from the late Buddhist master

Empty Bell
Zen and Christian Meditation & Prayer – Robert Jonas, MTS, EdD – Founder & Director
Wonderful shakuhachi flute music by master Robert Jonas! Click here to listen and order.

Biofeedback Resources

International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, and the Journal of Neurotherapy

The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Transpersonal Psychology And Subtle Energy

Association for Transpersonal Psychology

Association for Humanistic Psychology